About Me

Currently pursuing studies at VIT Chennai, specializing in AI and Robotics, I am passionate about exploring artificial intelligence and its applications. Trained as a full stack web developer, I delve into front-end and back-end intricacies, gaining a deep understanding of web technologies and frameworks. Actively participating in workshops and online courses, I am committed to lifelong learning and staying updated with the latest advancements. Alongside my academic pursuits, I excel as a content writer, crafting engaging content across various topics, and as a filmmaker, I lead creative projects, honing my leadership skills. As a full stack web developer, I am driven to create interactive and responsive web applications.

  • Mern Stack
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind css
  • DSA
  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • Deep Learning (DL)
  • React Native
  • Power BI

My Projects

  • Akhanda Seva Samsthan –(A Web Platform for govt NGO)

    Developed Akhanda seva samasthan A Dynamic MERN stack web platform empowering community engagement for the NGO's mission. Seamlessly navigate, donate, and receive real-time project updates. Inspiring collective action for positive change

    Tech stack : Next.js,Tailwind css,MERN Stack

  • E-commerce Application

    Implemented Nxt Trendz, an ECommerce clone resembling Amazon and Flipkart. Utilized React Router for page navigation, enabling features like user login, product browsing, and detailed views. Authentication is managed via HTTP API calls, with JWT tokens stored locally for persistent login states. Advanced filtering options enhance user experience, leveraging query parameters in product API calls. Technologies include React JS, CSS, Bootstrap, REST APIs, and JWT token authentication for secure, feature-rich web applications.

    Tech stack : React JS, CSS, Bootstrap, REST APIs, JWT Authentication

  • Food Ordering Web Application

    Developed a responsive Food Store website showcasing a diverse array of food items and exclusive offers. Utilized HTML structure elements, Bootstrap components, and CSS for enhanced responsiveness and layout design. Integrated product YouTube videos seamlessly using Bootstrap embed and modal components. Leveraging HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap, the website offers an immersive browsing experience with detailed information on food items and enticing promotions.

    Tech stack : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

  • Nxt Watch

    Implemented Nxt Watch, a YouTube clone enabling users to browse videos, toggle themes, and save favorites. Leveraged React components for various pages like Login, Home, and Trending, utilizing props, state, and event handlers. Authentication is handled via HTTP API calls, with JWT tokens stored locally for persistent login. React Router facilitates navigation between pages, including protected routes for authenticated users. Technologies include React JS, CSS, Bootstrap, REST APIs, and JWT token authentication for seamless, secure browsing experiences.

    Tech stack : React JS, CSS, Bootstrap, REST APIs, JWT Authentication

  • Jobby App

    The Jobby App was developed as a comprehensive job-seeking platform, featuring functionalities such as user authentication, job browsing with search and filter options, and seamless navigation across different pages like Login, Home, Jobs, and Job item details. Leveraging React JS and various web technologies, the app ensures secure access through JWT token-based authentication, persistent user login states, and dynamic content retrieval via REST API calls. With its user-centric design and robust features, the Jobby App exemplifies modern web application development practices.

    Tech stack : React JS, JWT Authentication, REST APIs,Routing

  • Covid Dashboard

    The Covid Dashboard presents a user-friendly interface for tracking Covid-19 statistics across Indian states. Utilizing React Router, it seamlessly navigates between sections like home, state-specific details, and about. Through Recharts, dynamic graphs like bar and line charts illustrate confirmed, active, recovered, and deceased cases, enhancing data visualization. Figma mockups informed the UI design, ensuring precision in rendering React components. Open-source APIs from covid19india.org provide real-time data, including state-wise stats and timelines for graphs, bolstering the dashboard's reliability. Overall, the dashboard offers a comprehensive and visually engaging platform for users to stay informed about Covid-19 developments in India.

    Tech stack : React JS, React Router, Recharts, Figma, REST APIs

  • Cryptocurrency Tracker

    The cryptocurrency tracker application provides users with real-time information on available cryptocurrencies and their market prices. Developed with React components and Bootstrap table classes, the app offers a structured and responsive display of cryptocurrency data, ensuring optimal viewing across devices. Asynchronous fetch GET HTTP API calls enable seamless retrieval of cryptocurrency data from the server, ensuring that users have access to up-to-date market information. By leveraging modern web technologies and responsive design principles, the cryptocurrency tracker application offers a user-friendly interface for monitoring cryptocurrency markets.

    Tech stack : React JS,css, Bootstrap, REST APIs

  • IPL Dashboard

    The IPL Dashboard app, developed between November 2022 and December 2022, offers users comprehensive insights into the Indian Premier League. Leveraging React Router components, it seamlessly navigates between sections like the home dashboard and individual team information. Through asynchronous fetch GET HTTP API calls, the app fetches teams list, individual team details, and match information, enhancing its functionality and real-time data accuracy. Additionally, the implementation of a 404 not found page ensures a smooth user experience by handling invalid paths gracefully. Overall, the IPL Dashboard serves as a dynamic and user-friendly platform for accessing IPL team data and match information.

    Tech stack : React Router, REST APIs

  • Todos Dynamic Web Application

    The development of a persistent to-do application involved the utilization of HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap to create a visually appealing user interface. JavaScript was employed to implement CRUD operations, allowing users to Create, Read, Update, and Delete tasks dynamically. Leveraging arrays, objects, and their respective methods facilitated efficient management of the to-do list data. Furthermore, the integration of local storage methods ensured that the application maintained its state across page reloads, enhancing user experience and usability.

    Tech stack : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

  • Blog List

    During the development of the Blog List application from October to November 2022, the focus was on creating a streamlined user experience. Leveraging React components, props, and efficient rendering with lists and keys, the application offered users a seamless view of their blog collection within their profile section. Responsiveness was achieved through a combination of Bootstrap flex classes and CSS box model principles, adopting a mobile-first approach to ensure usability across devices. Asynchronous fetching of blog data from the server was implemented using the fetch GET HTTP API call, enabling dynamic updates to the blog list without interrupting the user experience

    Tech stack : React, Bootstrap, CSS, REST APIs

  • Rock Papers Scissors game

    The Rock Paper Scissors game was brought to life as a captivating web application powered by ReactJS and CSS. Leveraging React's component-based architecture, the game interface was crafted with modularity and efficiency in mind, ensuring seamless interaction for players. CSS styling enhanced the visual appeal, creating an immersive gaming environment. React's state management facilitated real-time updates to the game state, providing instantaneous feedback to players' actions. With its responsive design and fluid animations, the Rock Paper Scissors web application delivered an engaging and enjoyable gaming experience for users across various devices.

    Tech stack : ReactJS, CSS

  • Meme Generator Page

    The Meme Generator web page, crafted using the MERN stack, offers a dynamic platform for users to unleash their creativity. Featuring intuitive input fields for Image URL, Top Text, Bottom Text, and Font Size, users can effortlessly customize their memes. Built with ReactJS for the frontend, MongoDB for data storage, ExpressJS for the server, and Node.js for runtime environment, the web application ensures smooth performance and seamless data management. With its user-friendly interface and real-time rendering capabilities, users can generate personalized memes instantly. Whether for humor or expression, the Meme Generator web page promises endless entertainment and customization possibilities.

    Tech stack : MERN Stack

  • Typing Speed Test Dynamic Web Application

    The application accurately times users as they complete a given paragraph, utilizing JavaScript's setInterval and clearInterval APIs for real-time updates. Content is fetched asynchronously from the server and displayed dynamically on the UI via JavaScript DOM operations. Upon submission, event listeners capture completion time, offering immediate feedback. Stringent form validations ensure users complete the entire paragraph before submission, ensuring accuracy. This cohesive blend of client-side scripting and server interaction delivers a seamless user experience for tracking task completion time.

    Tech stack : JavaScript, HTML, CSS

  • Fruit Match Game

    The Fruit Match Game's web application features a dynamic logo, displaying the current score and timer, providing instant feedback on progress. Developed using the MERN stack, it integrates MongoDB for data storage, Express.js for the server, React.js for the frontend, and Node.js for runtime environment, ensuring seamless gameplay. Players match fruits, animals, and places within a limited time, adding excitement. The logo's design includes captivating thumbnails, inviting users to engage in an immersive matching experience.

    Tech stack : MERN Stack

Let's Connect

Hundigam Ram Sai Hari Babu
student at vit Chennai - cse with spl of Ai and Robotics
105 -Raama Towers,Kederaswerpeta ,Vijayawada ,520003
+91 7794940327

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